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  Tanzania young eco protection (TAYEP) is an

Initiative based in Tanzania that educates and inspires young people on environmenatl conservations,waste managements and green life styles and mobilize them to take actions.


We believe achieving safe and stable climatic in our life time requires the ideas,actions and influence of young people.Thus the inititiative seeks to create a new generation of enlighten young people who have the Knowledge, skills, awarness and networks neccessary to provide leadership on environmental challenges.


This initiative harness the use of ICT and new media, video conferencing ,documentaries and mobile phones in addressing the challenges of climatic change and environmental management.

                                THE GREEN X-CHANGE PROJEKT


This  project  works on enabling low income families to trade and recycle their house hold wastes preventing it from pilling up and help to solve the Tanzania Acute Waste Management  problem.


The project works to reduce unmanaged urban waste in low income neighborhoods and provide a reliable supply of materials  to the local  recycling Industry

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